AppleShare 2.0: Desktop Manager and UnMounting Cartridge Disks

I have some Videoworks/Director demos that rely on the AppleShare 2.0 Desktop
Manager System file for some special file management functions. This file
causes problems with removable cartridge disk systems, when ejecting one volume
and mounting another.

An easy solution is to simply drag the Desktop Manager out of the System
Folder. However, this means that you can't use these cartridge systems for
different animation demos, unless you are willing to restart with the new
cartridge in place. Do you have any other solutions?

Our guess is that you have a copy of the Desktop Manager in the System Folder
of your startup volume. This INIT shipped with AppleShare and is intended to
be used on the server but can be copied to and used with any Macintosh volume.
With this INIT in place, you can't unmount any volume you mount at startup,
unless you use special utilities as you mentioned above.

Removing the Desktop Manager from the System Folder of the startup volume
should let you unmount volumes by dragging the volume to the Trash, as would be

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012