Third-party product support
Server Additions
About Mac OS 7.6.1 Update
America Online
Apple RAID 1.5
CD extras
Exploring Mac OS 7.6
Install Workgroup Server OS
Installing Mac OS 7.6
Mac OS 7.6 information
Software installers
Workgroup Server read me
WS Electronic Library
About the Workgroup Server Software CD-ROM Disc
The software on this CD-ROM disc supports the Workgroup Server 7350 and the Workgroup Server 9650. Read the following sections for brief descriptions of the contents of the main files and folders on this CD.
Third-party product support
Apple does not provide technical support for third-party software products. If you need support for a third-party product that is provided on this CD, you must contact the manufacturer directly.
Server Additions
The software in the Server Additions folder contains complete software installers and components for the following Apple and third-party products:
Should you decide to upgrade your operating system at a later time, we have separated these components out of our System Software Installer so that you may easily replace those drivers which are not part of Apple's base system software.
About Mac OS 7.6.1 Update
Read this for late-breaking news about Mac OS 7.6.1.
America Online
This folder contains an America Online installer for Power Macintosh computers and one for other Macintosh models.
Apple RAID 1.5
Apple RAID 1.5 is an installer for Apple RAID software version 1.5. The Apple RAID software is installed on your startup disk at the factory, but no RAID volumes have been created. Read the Apple RAID Guide before you use Apple RAID to create Apple RAID volumes.
Due to a late breaking problem with AppleRAID and the SCSI Manager, an update for this application is posted on Apple's Service and Support Website at Please obtain this update before setting up your RAID volumes.
CD Extras
The CD Extras folder includes folders for several programs, such as At Ease Updaters, QuickTime MPEG, and Spanish Text-to-Speech 1.5.
Exploring Mac OS 7.6
This folder contains an introduction to Mac OS 7.6 and samples of how to use new features such as desktop printing, Live Objects, and QuickDraw 3D.
Install Workgroup Server OS
Double-click this icon to install the Mac OS on your server.
Installing Mac OS 7.6
Read this file before you install Mac OS 7.6 for important compatibility and installation information.
Mac OS 7.6 Information
This folder contains important information about Mac OS 7.6 software and the software that comes with your Mac OS 7.6, such as MacLink and Cyberdog. Read this for late breaking news.
This folder contains the Apple HD SC Setup, Disk First Aid, Drive Setup, SimpleText, AppleShare 3.6.4, Acrobat Reader 2.1, and 5xxx/6xxx Tester 1.1 programs. Also included are two Apple Guides - Drive Setup Guide and SimpleText Guide.
Software Installers
This folder contains installers for the following:
WS Electronic Library
This folder contains electronic versions of documentation for products included with your Workgroup Server. You'll also find information about using these documents in this folder.
Mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance or use of these products.
The Tech Info Library article titled Locating Vendor Information can help you search for a particular vendor's address and phone number.