The DataViz technical support web page explains the solution:
If you are using version 9.0.2 or lower (9.0 is what comes with the Mac OS 8 CD), you must delete these files:
- MacLink Plus Setup (in the Control Panels folder)
- MacLinkPlus for Easy Open (in the Extensions folder)
- DataViz folder (in the System Folder)
Then reinstall MackLink Plus from your Mac OS 8 CD.
1. Insert your Mac OS 8 CD
2. Open the folder Software Installers
3. Open the folder MacLinkPlus
4. Double click on the Installer and follow the prompts.
After the installation your system will restart, and your desktop will rebuild. Then you will have a full working copy of MacLink Plus.
This article provides information about a non-Apple product. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor for additional information.
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