We are not familiar with either Legis or Q&A. However, transferring information from one database to another can be accomplished via several different methods and is fairly straightforward regardless of the method used.
The object is to find a common link between the two systems and their associated databases. This may be matching file formats, a common file format, the ability to import data from a text file, or being able to read an incoming data stream.
For your account, you may be able to use a common file format, such as DIF or SYLK, or save the database information to a text file and use the import feature within Microsoft Works to retrieve the information. In either case, you should be able to move the file from the Tandy to the Macintosh via the Apple PC 5.25 drive and Apple File Exchange.
If the account does not have access to an Apple PC 5.25 drive, the database-generated text file also can be transferred between the systems using either PC MacLink or a direct serial connection with a terminal package running on both systems.
Another method of moving the information would be to use a network solution, like TOPS or AppleShare PC, making the database files available to everyone. Again, to make this a working solution, a common file format is necessary.