TokenTalk NB Card: Range of "Burned In" Addresses

I have two questions about the TokenTalk NB Card:

1) What is Apple's range of "burned in" addresses for the TokenTalk NB Card? I have a customer who has the IBM LAN Manager software and wants to identify the newly installed Macintosh systems by their addresses.

2) In the LAN Minds binders, there was mention of a CDEV that comes with MacAPPC and MacDFT that allows the identification and changing of the addresses associated with the TokenTalk NB Card. Can I have some more information?
1) The IEEE 802 committee has assigned Apple the address range of "5000E0000000" to "5000EFFFFFFF". This gives Apple over 268 million possible Token Ring network node addresses.

2) The CDEV in question is called "Token Ring" and will be included with MacAPPC but not with MacDFT. The MacDFT CDEV has all the functions of the Token Ring CDEV plus the MacDFT specific features.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012