1) The AppleTalk Internet Router 1.0 beta software (AppleTalk Phase 1 only)
installs the files:
- Modem LocalTalk
- Printer LocalTalk
in the System Folder.
The AppleTalk Internet Router 2.0 installs the files:
- LocalTalk (Modem)
- LocalTalk (Printer)
in the System Folder. These four files are ADEVs, not CDEVs.
If the AppleTalk Internet Router 2.0 software was installed on a machine
that had the AppleTalk Internet Router 1.0 beta software installed, you
would have the "Printer LocalTalk" file from the AppleTalk Internet
Router 1.0 beta software and the "LocalTalk (Modem)" and "LocalTalk
(Printer)" files from the AppleTalk Internet Router 2.0 software in the
System Folder.
The AppleTalk Internet Router 2.0 installer script removes the "Modem
LocalTalk" file from the System Folder, but does not remove the "Printer
LocalTalk" file. This is why the router setup window shows the two
LocalTalk printer ports and the LocalTalk modem port.
The router did not work properly because both LocalTalk Printer
port drivers were telling the printer port different things, which, in
turn, caused the network problems. When you removed the "LocalTalk
(Printer)" file, the AppleTalk Internet Router 2.0 software had only one
driver talking to the printer port, and the problems stopped.
It is important to note that the "LocalTalk (Modem)" and "LocalTalk
(Printer)" files from the AppleTalk Internet Router 2.0 software should
be in the System Folder, and the "Printer LocalTalk" file from the
AppleTalk Internet Router 1.0 beta software should be removed.
2 and 3) The AppleTalk Internet Router requires special LocalTalk drivers
and uses RAM-based drivers instead of the ROM-based drivers. This is why
you have not seen these files before.
4) The AppleShare File Server and AppleShare Print Server software
does not conflict with the AppleTalk Internet Router software.
(NOTE: Apple Tech Comm recommends that the Macintosh II (#2) router have 2MB
RAM installed, since it is running the AppleShare Print Server software in
conjunction with the AppleTalk Internet Router.)