Macintosh: Determining Video Card Status via Software (2 of 2)

What follows is an MPW Assembly listing that demonstrates, for a given GDevice, how to determine the minimum and maximum depths that the device supports: PRINT OFF INCLUDE "Traps.a" INCLUDE "ToolEqu.a" INCLUDE "QuickEqu.a" INCLUDE "SysEqu.a" INCLUDE "PackMacs.a" INCLUDE "SlotEqu.a" INCLUDE "ROMEqu.a" INCLUDE "VideoEqu.a" PRINT ON
; PROCEDURE GetScreenMinMax(whichScreen : gdHandle;
; VAR minDepth, minMode,
; maxDepth, maxMode : Integer);
; This nasty little procedure figures out, for a given GDevice, what the
; minimum and maximum depths that the device supports. It does this by
; using the Slot Manager to traverse the sResources that are in ROM on
; the video interface card.

StackFrame RECORD {A6Link},DECR
ParamSize EQU *-8
whichScreen DS.L 1
pMinDepth DS.L 1
pMinMode DS.L 1
pMaxDepth DS.L 1
pMaxMode DS.L 1
Return DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
spBlk DS SpBlock.spBlockSize
slotModesPtr DS.L 1
nextMode DS.W 1
LocalSize EQU *

WITH StackFrame,SpBlock,vpBlock

LINK A6,#LocalSize

MOVE.L pMinDepth(A6), A0 ;Get ptr to minDepth VAR
MOVE.W #$7FFF, (A0) ;Init to MAXINT
MOVE.L pMaxDepth(A6), A0 ;Get ptr to maxDepth VAR
CLR.W (A0) ;Init to zero

; We need to convert the GDevice's refNum to its unit number. Then, we
; can look in the unit table for a handle to a NewDCE block. This
; will tell us in which slot the card for this display is.

MOVE.L whichScreen(A6), A0 ;Get the gDevice handle
MOVE.L (A0), A0 ;Get a ptr to the gDevice
MOVE.W gdRefNum(A0), D0 ;Get the device's refNum
NOT.W D0 ;Get the unit number
ASL.W #2, D0 ;Times 4 (SizeOf UTableEntry)
MOVE.L UTableBase, A0 ;Get a pointer to the Unit Table
MOVE.L 0(A0, D0.W), A0 ;Get the handle to the NewDCE
MOVE.L (A0), A0 ;Get ptr to the NewDCE

; We only want to deal with sResources on the card that are for Apple-
; style video devices. (We only care about the data format; it really
; doesn't matter who made the hardware.) Set up information about the
; type of sResource that we want.

MOVE.B dCtlSlot(A0), spBlk+spSlot(A6) ;Put slot of device into parmBlock
CLR.B spBlk+spID(A6) ;Start with first sResource
MOVE.W #catDisplay, spBlk+spCategory(A6) ;Only want Display sResources
MOVE.W #typVideo, spBlk+spCType(A6) ;Only want Video sResources
MOVE.W #drSwApple, spBlk+spDrvrSW(A6) ;Only want Apple-format sResources
MOVE.B #1, spBlk+spTBMask(A6) ;Don't care whose hardware

; Now go and get the first resource that matches our specs.

LEA spBlk(A6), A0 ;Pointer to block in A0
_sNextTypesRsrc ;Get sResource that matches
TST.W D0 ;Was one found?
BNE BadExit ;Nope. Oh well.

; We now have a pointer to the sResource List (in spBlk.spsPointer). This
; sResource List has all of the modes that the card will currently support.

MOVE.L spBlk+spsPointer(A6), slotModesPtr(A6) ;Save the result
MOVE.B #128, nextMode(A6) ;Start with first video mode

; For Apple-style video data, the first video mode is 128, and they proceed
; sequentially from there, with no gaps.

MOVE.B nextMode(A6), spBlk+spID(A6) ;Want entry for nextMode
MOVE.L slotModesPtr(A6), spBlk+spsPointer(A6) ;Restore ptr to modes sRsrc
LEA spBlk(A6), A0 ;Ptr to our parameters
TST.W D0 ;Was it there?
BNE NoMoreModes ;Nope. We're done.

; spBlk.spsPointer now contains a pointer to the mode information
; structure we just got.

MOVE.B #mVidParams, spBlk+spID(A6) ;We want the video parms data
LEA spBlk(A6), A0 ;Pointer to param block
_sGetBlock ;Get the video parms data
TST.W D0 ;It should always be noErr!
BNE.S BadExit ;It's not. Bail out!

; spBlk.spResult contains a pointer to the video parms data block. Now
; we check to see if we have a video mode that QuickDraw can deal with.

MOVE.L spBlk+spResult(A6), A0 ;Get pointer to video parms
MOVE.W vpCmpCount(A0), D0 ;How many components/pixel?
CMP.W #1, D0 ;Can only handle 1
BNE.S @1 ;Don't count this mode
MOVE.W vpPixelSize(A0), D0 ;How many bits/pixel?
CMP.W vpCmpSize(A0), D0 ;Does it match component size?
BNE.S @1 ;Nope. QD can't handle it.

; D0 now contains a valid pixel depth, and nextMode(A6) contains the
; mode that has this pixel depth. Update the minDepth, maxDepth, and so
; on variables if needed.

MOVE.L pMinDepth(A6), A0 ;Ptr to user's minDepth
CMP.W (A0), D0 ;Is this mode less than minDepth?
BGE.S @2 ;Nope. Don't update.

; The pixel size in D0 is less than the pixel size that we have stored in
; minDepth so update minDepth and store this mode into minMode.

MOVE.W D0, (A0) ;Update minDepth
MOVE.L pMinMode(A6), A0 ;Get pointer to user's minMode
CLR.W D1 ;Start with an empty word
MOVE.B nextMode(A6), D1 ;Get this mode
MOVE.W D1, (A0) ;And save it to user's minMode

MOVE.L pMaxDepth(A6), A0 ;Ptr to user's maxDepth
CMP.W (A0), D0 ;Is this mode > maxDepth?
BLE.S @1 ;Nope. Don't update.

; The pixel size in D0 is greater than the pixel size that we have
; stored in maxDepth, so update maxDepth and store this mode into
; maxMode.

MOVE.W D0, (A0) ;Update maxDepth
MOVE.L pMaxMode(A6), A0 ;Get pointer to user's maxMode
CLR.W D1 ;Start with an empty word
MOVE.B nextMode(A6), D1 ;Get this mode
MOVE.W D1, (A0) ;And save it to user's maxMode

; Either QuickDraw couldn't handle this video mode, or we're done
; updating the minDepth and maxDepth variables. Now we have to dispose
; of the video parms block we just got.

MOVE.L spBlk+spResult(A6), spBlk+spsPointer(A6) ;The pointer to vidParms
LEA spBlk(A6), A0 ;Pointer to our param block
_sDisposePtr ;Release this block

ADDI.B #1, nextMode(A6) ;Try the next mode

; Something went wrong. Set all of the user's variables to zero and
; return.

MOVE.L pMinDepth(A6), A0 ;Ptr to user's minDepth
CLR.W (A0) ;Set to zero
MOVE.L pMinMode(A6), A0 ;Ptr to user's minMode
CLR.W (A0) ;Set to zero
MOVE.L pMaxDepth(A6), A0 ;Ptr to user's maxDepth
CLR.W (A0) ;Set to zero
MOVE.L pMaxMode(A6), A0 ;Ptr to user's maxMode
CLR.W (A0) ;Set to zero

BRA.S NoMoreModes ;Standard clean-up

; When we get here, _sFindStruct couldn't find the mode that we were
; for, so there must not be any more. We've looked through all of the
; modes so we're done.

UNLK A6 ;Release locals
MOVE.L (SP)+, A0 ;Get return address
ADDA.L #ParamSize, SP ;Pop input params off stack
JMP (A0) ;And return to caller
DC.B "GETSCREE" ;Name of routine for debuggers


Published Date: Feb 18, 2012