When the Macintosh displays characters on the screen, it uses the
information from the font resource to show the character the best way it
can, given that the Macintosh screen is 72 dpi. Likewise, when the driver
prints the document to the LaserWriter IISC, it also uses the information
from the font resource (rather than the bitmapped display) to create the
printed output in its 300 dpi format. The printer always prinst a more
accurate representation of the actual font than the screen.
Also, be sure you are pressing Option-[ and Option-Shift-[ for open and
close double quote marks instead of the quote key. Likewise, Option-] and
Option-Shift-] produce open and close single quote marks. In the case of
Times, the quote key and Option-Shift-[ produce the same results, but this
is not true of all fonts (Helvetica, for example).