The test system was a Macintosh IIcx with 4MB RAM and a HD80 SC hard drive.
All tests were done in single-user mode with all networking and the toolbox
turned off. All calculations were made on data defined as REAL*8. Because
"lloops" contains a variety of common scientific and math program segments,
floating point performance varies by "sub-test". Overall results (using
the NKR compiler) were as follows:
Mflops range: 0.0364 to 0.3148 Mflops/sec
Harmonic mean: 0.1189 Mflops/sec
Median rate: 0.1319 Mflops/sec +/- 0.0577 Mflops/sec
Average rate: 0.1496 Mflops/sec +/- 0.0668 Mflops/sec
Results using the f77 were lower by 30% to 60%--presumably because of the
lack of an object optimizer with f77.