The "POSSIBLE FILE SIZE ERROR I=xxx" error occurs in the Phase 1 of "fsck" when
the file information in the inode table conflicts with the actual file size.
With this inconsistency, basically, you can find the file of the inode number,
make a copy, and remove it.
For example, with the file system /dev/dsk/c5d0s4 (which encountered the
"POSSIBLE FILE SIZE ERROR I=xxx") mounted on /u2, and the inode number 1234
associated with the error, do the following:
1) # cd /u2
2) # find . -inum 1234 -print
(It displays the filename path of the inode number 1234.)
3) Go to that path and try to make a copy of that file (if it is
4) Remove that file.
5) # cd /
6) # umount /u2
7) fsck /dev/rdsk/c5d0s4
(The "POSSIBLE FILE SIZE ERROR" for that inode should go away after