Yes, You can do this without a GatorBox by getting the CAP (Columbia AppleTalk
Package for UNIX), a public domain software from Columbia University. Here are
CAP's prerequisites:
- Kinetics FastPath box
- KIP, a revision of the UDP software, developed by Bill Croft at Stanford
- Based TCP/IP host running UNIX
For the above CAP/KIP/AUFS solution, basically, the customer needs to install
the CAP software on the UNIX host and download the KIP code to the Kinetics
FastPath box. The client Macintosh side can run on either LocalTalk or
For more information on CAP and KIP, search under these words in the Tech Info
Library. Also, pay particular attention to the Tech Info Library articles
"UNIX: Kip and Cap Information," "Macintosh: Columbia AppleTalk Package And
AUFS," and "Macintosh-To-Sin Connectivity."