AppleShare Print Server: Installing Software

The AppleShare Print Server Administrator's Guide refers to a "Server System"
that should be used when installing a server see (page 16, instruction 5).

What happens when a user wants to set up a server on a 68030-based machine that
needs System 6.0.3? This is not provided for in the Server Software package.
Because the standard System Software is the only way to obtain System 6.0.3,
could this cause problems?

When installing the AppleShare Print Server on a Macintosh 512Ke, it is
important to install the System Software using the AppleShare Print Server
installer disk. This guarantees that the AppleShare Print Server software is
running in conjunction with System Software that supports both the Macintosh
512Ke and the Print Server software.

On the Macintosh Plus and later Macintosh systems, we recommend installing the
System Software from a disk containing the most recent version of System
Software available for that particular machine. For example, you should
install System Software 6.0.3 for the Macintosh IIcx. Then install the
AppleShare Print Server software.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012