Anytime your system resets or falls victim to a power outage or any other kind
of abnormal power down, you must "repair" your hard disk. Also consider
reparing your hard disk when your system is acting strangely or if you're
having difficulties locating or displaying your documents, even if they are
located on a diskette. The repair is basically a disk clean-up: it closes any
files left open, gets rid of unused scratch files, and then reconstructs the
catalog files if necessary.
If you receive the message "the disk needs minor repairs", start up with
the Office System 1 diskette to repair your hard disk. If you've just
repaired the hard disk using the Office System 1 diskette, perform the "minor
repair" as well when given the choice.
The Office System 1 repair is very thorough, while the minor repair merely
reconstructs the catalog files.
Note: Repairing the hard disk will delete folders (but not documents)
in Office Systems older than version 3.0.