Broderbund Software: Problems with Apple IIGS 1MB Systems

I'm having various software compatibility problems with the new Apple IIGS 1MB
system. Specifically, there are problems with Broderbund's Print Shop GS. Can
you tell me anything about this?

Broderbund Software is aware of the Print Shop GS compatibility issue and they
have an update available. Contact Broderbund for more information on the
updating procedure.

Broderbund also said that the Apple IIGS-specific versions of the "Carmen
Sandiego" series might encounter difficulties with System 5.0x and the 1MB
Apple IIGS computer. Tool 032 is required by these applications, and may be
missing after an installation of System 5.0x.

To resolve this issue, locate a disk with Tool 032 and copy that tool into the
Tools folder of the system disk to be used with the Carmen Sandiego.

For more information, search under: "Broderbund"

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012