Macintosh IIci: Using Cache Memory Card (5/94)

What is the maximum cache memory I can install in the Macintosh IIci?

The size of the Apple cache card for the Macintosh IIci is 32K. There is no real limit on the amount of memory a cache card designer can put on a cache card. The designer could cache the entire RAM address space of the computer, but beyond 32K, the improvement in performance per each 1K of cache memory diminishes greatly.

Performance tests indicate that the extremely marginal increase in speed gained by using 64K of cache memory is not worth the doubled static RAM cost. Beyond 64K, the speed improvement becomes almost nil.

The Macintosh IIci Cache Card part numbers are:

M0326LL/A - Discontinued

Article Change History:
23 May 1994 - Added part numbers.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012