GS/OS: How To See OS Info at Startup

I have a lab of 16 Apple IIGS systems, running AppleShare 2.0.1 and the GS/OS 5.0 software with the Apple II setup from the GS/OS 5.0 disks. They are exhibiting some strange behavior when starting up over the network. When about half of the systems are started up, they get a list-type screen that says:

"Welcome to the World of the Apple IIGS"

and then a list of the network program segments that are loading. They get this instead of the Welcome to the Apple IIGS GRAPHIC SCREEN and the "thermometer".
The purpose of this screen is to provide operating system information to the operator. A list of installed GS/OS drivers is displayed as they are loaded.

This alternate screen is normal and is generated by pressing the space bar as GS/OS begins to load--whether starting up from a local disk or over the network. The screen will not appear unless someone presses the space bar sometime during the initial stages of booting the Apple IIGS.

If an Apple IIGS displays the alternate screen even when the space bar hasn't been pressed, there may be a hardware malfunction, and the unit should be serviced.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012