AppleTalk: Macintosh ROM Version Numbers (4/93)

Article Change History
04/06/93 - UPDATED
* To include new computer models, and the effect of System 7.x
and AppleTalk version in Macintosh ROM. Article retitled.

What is the version of AppleTalk found in the Macintosh ROMs?

The ROM version of AppleTalk is irrelevant today. Starting with System 7,
AppleTalk is included with System Software. In most cases, the version of
AppleTalk that is included in the version of System 7.x is newer than what
is built-in to ROM.

For Macintosh systems that can use System 6, we recommend using the latest
Network Software Installer to install AppleTalk software. This is a good
idea for System 7.x users as well. This ensures that the customer is using
the most up-to-date AppleTalk software with their systems. In almost all
cases, this will provide AppleTalk software that is newer than what is
available in ROM.

Below is a list of the AppleTalk versions in the ROM of various Macintosh

System ROM AppleTalk Version
------ ---------------------
Macintosh 512Ke 19
Macintosh Plus 19
Macintosh SE 48
Macintosh II 49
Macintosh IIx 49
Macintosh SE/30 49
Macintosh IIcx 49
Macintosh Portable 52
Macintosh IIci 52
Macintosh IIsi 54
Macintosh IIfx 54
Macintosh IIvx 54
Macintosh Classic 46
Macintosh Classic II 56.0.1
Macintosh Color Classic 57.0.4
Macintosh LC 54
Macintosh LC II 54
Macintosh LC III 57.0.4
Macintosh Quadra 700 56.0.2
Macintosh Quadra 900 56.0.2
Macintosh Quadra 800 57.0.4
Macintosh Quadra 950 56.0.2
Macintosh Centris 610 57.0.4
Macintosh Centris 650 57.0.4
Macintosh PowerBook Require System 7.x and will
load AppleTalk version 56
(System 7.0 and 7.0.1), or
version 57.0.4 (System 7.1)

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012