Virex: Updating Virex

This article discusses how often you should update Virex.
Every month, hundreds of new viruses appear. To ensure that your computer is always protected, you must keep your anti-virus software up-to-date.

We develop regular virus definition files (DAT) files to combat new virus threats as they emerge. Each DAT file brings new detection and cleaning capabilities to Virex against not only Macintosh-specific viruses, but also Windows-based viruses and UNIX-based viruses. To ensure that you have the most effective protection available, download and install these files as soon as they become available.

We recommend that you scan your system immediately for new viruses after installing new DAT files.

NOTE: The latest DAT file includes all of the virus definitions available in previous virus definition files.

This information and more can be found at

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012