Virex: Command-Line Conventions

This article discusses how to add options to the command line.
Use these conventions to add options to the command line:

Type each option in lower case and separate each with spaces.
Do not use any option more than once on the command line.
Follow the syntax correctly.

For your convenience, you can type single consecutive switches as one switch.
For example, instead of:

-c -r --one-file-system

You can type:

-cr --one-file-system

To start running the program, at the command prompt, type:

To have the program examine a specific file or list of files, add the target directories or files to the command line after vscanx. You can also create a text file that lists your target files, then add the name of the text file to the command line.

NOTE: By default, the program examines all files, no matter what their extensions. You can limit your scan operation by adding only
those extensions you want to examine to the command line after the --extensions option, or you may exclude certain files from scan operations with the --exclude option.

General hints and tips

To display a list of all the options, each with a short description of their features, type:

./vscanx --help

To display a list of all the viruses that the program detects, type:

./vscanx --virus-list

To display information about the version of the program, type:

./vscanx --version

To ensure maximum protection from virus attack, you must regularly update
your DAT.

This information and more can be found at

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012