Aristotle Setup: AppleTalk Slot Assignments (4/97)

The Aristotle Display progrma may generate the error message "AppleTalk must be installed to run this program" when launched. This article describes a possible solution to this problem.
This error message can occur when the slot assignments are not correctly set. In particular, slot 7 needs to be set to "AppleTalk" when running the Aristotle Display program.

For network startup and general network operations to work correctly, the slot assignments must set as:

Slot 1 (or Slot 2) = AppleTalk
Slot 7 = AppleTalk
Startup = AppleTalk

Note: Network startup can take place, most applications can be launched, programming can take place in Applesoft BASIC and files can be saved on any available volumes, even though slot 7 is set to "Your Card".

Article Change History:
02 Apr 1997 - Reviewed for technical accuracy, revised formatting.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012