We doubt that there is a problem with the hardware. It seems to be related to
the way things are handled on the ProFile disk under ProDOS 8. Here are some
possible causes:
- Even though the error message deals with disk space, it actually may be that
the directory is full; that is, there is no space for additional file entries
in the disk directory. This would be especially true in a system that stores
many small files.
- ProFiles "spare out" any bad blocks found by its startup procedure. If all
of the available blocks have been spared out and another block needs a spare,
an error stating that the disk is full might be reported. In this instance,
all spare blocks have used and no more are available, creating a form of disk
full. The ProFile has only 32 spare blocks for use. Once used, the ProFile
does not allocate any additional spare blocks.
- With many small files being written and rewritten to the ProFile,
fragmentation can occur more quickly than if a few large files are used.
With a heavily-fragmented disk, a "Disk Full" message might occur.
Some possible solutions have been suggested:
- If you have the Pascal "Crunch" utility, run this utility against the ProFile
to resolve possible fragmentation of the drive.
- Use more subdirectories inside subdirectories to help slow the filling of
directory entries.
- Do a file-by-file backup of the ProFile. Then reformat and restore the files
to the ProFile.