Claris CAD: Info Window Description

What information is displayed in the "Show Info" box? How can the information about objects in the Show Info box be used?

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
The Show Info box displays specifications, allows accurate resizing for a selected object. It displays specifications like the show location bar, but allows the user to modify the specifications.

It includes information particular to the type of object selected such as: major and minor radius for ovals and arcs, x start, x end, y start, y end for lines and arcs.

In addition it displays calculated information including perimeter, diameter and area. The major difference with the Show Location bar is that the Show Info displays more information for a selected object and allows the user to change the object after it has been created. To change a parameter, the user selects the object, selects the parameter to be changed in the Show Info box and enters the new dimension.

In ClarisÊCAD 2.0, the Info window is where you enter an ID number for objects to be exported as object data.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012