Hewlett-Packard plotters:
7400 Series: 7440A ColorPro, 7475A
7500 Series: 7550A, 7570A DraftPro, 7580B, 7585B, 7586B, 7595A DraftMaster I, 7596A DraftMaster II
Houston Instruments plotters:
DMP Series: 29, 40, 41, 42, 51, 51MP, 52, 52MP, 56A, 56A MP
PC 595A, PC 695A
MacDraw II, Claris CAD and Mac Project II will output to most common plotters on the market. The driver bundled these products with will output to plotters other than those listed above to the extent that the plotters emulate one of the above listed plotters. Check to see that your plotter emulates one of the Hewlett Packard or Houston Instruments plotters we support. Should you have a plotter that is not supported, please give Claris your name and address and we will suggest that your plotter model be added to the list.
Note: It's important to remember that for any plotter to work with MacPlot, the correct cable must be used. Refer to the appendix covering plotting in your MacDraw II, Claris CAD or MacProject II manual.