Claris CAD: Scale Drawings

Can objects be scaled in Claris CAD?

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
There are several ways to scale items in Claris CAD .

1) To scale obects or groups of objects, use the Scale... command, under the Layout menu. If you scale a bunch objects that are selected but not grouped, then each object will scale around the center of its own location. If you group the objects first, then the entire group will scale around the group's center point.

When scaling text the text will be scaled to the nearest integer point size to the amount scaled. In other words, if you have ten point type and scale it to 133%, it will return type that is 13 point.

2) Claris CAD provides fully customized rulers. The user can preset up to 6 ruler systems to rapidly change from one scale to another. The rescaling option means that objects moved within a document, or from one document to another, can be adjusted to the new scale, if the user decides to do so.

In ClarisÊCAD 2.X - users can define scales up to 1:1000. In 1.X the limit was 1:300. The scale limit will be 150 times the division per inch specified for a given ruler or 1000, whichever is smaller.

In addition, using the rulers dialog, users can change the rulers associated with an object without changing the size of the object. This is especially useful for CGT users, since drawings in other format often do not contain any scale information. To use this feature users would:

Select the object for which the ruler should be changed
Select "Rulers..." from the layout menu
Modify the scale selection to reflect the scale desired for the drawing.
Click "OK"

A dialog will appear asking users if they wish to change the ruler associated with the selected objects. To change the ruler, click OK.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012