Claris CAD: Shearing or Trimming or Extending Objects

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Claris CAD 1.0 First, select an object, unjoin it into its component lines. Select the portion to be trimmed then the trim tool, click on the point to begin trimming and drag to the point where you want to stop trimming, release the mouse. Modifier can also be used to specify the beginning and ending points for the trimming. Trim is to cut away a segment of a line, arc, or circle. Claris CAD has a specific tool for this. Extend is a technique that will extend the length of a line or arc. It is the opposite of Trim.

Claris CAD 2.0 Objects like rectangles and polygons do not need to be unjoined before trimming. They can be trimmed directly. Also, the clean up function, new to 2.0, will cut away segments of objects more effectively than trimming. It is specifically designed for walls, but it will also function for all objects except rounded rectangles, splines and freehands.

NOTE: If you have two objects that are touching (for example, a circle with a line at a tangent) trimming one and not affecting the other can be awkward. In that situation, select the trim tool, select the one object you want to trim, and hold down the command key - Claris CAD will only trim the selected object.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012