Claris CAD: Two Dimensional Drawing Only Supported

Why Does Claris CAD Support Two Dimensional Drawing Only?

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Three dimensional drawing on a two dimensional screen is difficult conceptually and even more difficult in practice. In addition, only 15% of most CAD work involves three dimensional work (IDC '87 data). Most people need only two dimensional capabilities. When three dimensional work is needed, a two dimensional Claris CAD drawing can be easily transferred via IGES or DXF to a high-end three dimensional CAD package.

Claris CAD is extremely useful for those who want to do their drawing quickly and accurately. Many users use Claris CAD to do 2-D drawings that they then import into 3-D programs. For example, a user may do the basic drawing in Claris CAD, translate the file to DXF and open it in AutoCAD to do his 3-D rendering. There are also programs that will open a Claris CAD file and extrude it into 3-D, such as ModelShop (Paracomp).
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012