Claris CAD: Error: Limitcheck; OfgCmnd: Framedevice

What does "Error: limitcheck; OffendingCommand: framedevice" mean?

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
"Error: limitcheck; OffendingCommand: framedevice".

To quote from the PostScript Language Reference Manual, Page 259:

"The PostScript Language itself imposes no restrictions on the sizes or quantities of things described in the language, such as numbers, arrays, stacks, paths, etc. However, a PostScript interpreter running on a particular computer in a particular operating environment does have such limits. The interpreter cannot execute programs that exceed these limits; if it attempts to perform some operation that would exceed one of the limits, it executes the error 'limitcheck'. Encountering a 'limitcheck' during execution of a page description is almost always an indication of an error in the PostScript program, such as an unbounded recursion on one of the stacks." This most commonly is due to a polygon or freehand having many points. Reduce the number of points/vertices and it should print.

Appendix B of the PostScript Language Reference Manual, Page 260-261, gives the implementation limits of the LaserWriter.

What is probably occurring here comes from a problem with MacDraw exceeding these implementation limits. Simplifying the drawing and restarting the printer often solves this.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012