MacDraw II: Print Leading

How do MacWrite and MacDraw determine leading when outputting to the LaserWriter or any other PostScript device? Is it determined by measuring the height of the largest character in one line to the top of the largest character in the next line, or is leading measured from baseline to baseline?

Also, does the current LaserWriter driver make a conversion from PostScript points (72 points to the inch) to true points (72.27 points to the inch)?

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Leading is determined by the font or fond. A character cell is a matrix of pixels that determines the maximum size of a character. If there is a cell matrix of 10 X 10 and there are two rows of unused pixels at both the top and bottom of the cells, then there will be four rows of blank pixels between the top and bottom of the characters since the cells are stacked vertically on the page.

Leading would add blank rows in between the character cells. Leading is set to zero in the Macintosh. In your terms, the leading is determined from baseline to baseline because the cell size is not modified. The LaserWriter driver does not convert to output to 72.27 points.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012