Claris CAD: Saving As PICT Issue

When saving a file in the PICT format, it is possible to get into a dialog box loop.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
This only occurs if the user is saving one PICT file over an existing PICT file with the same name.

To recreate this problem, do the following:
- open a PICT file (the drawing will be converted to the Claris CAD format as it is opened)
- close the file

Claris CAD will display an alert asking if you want to save changes.
- click Yes to save changes
- leave the name the same and select the PICT format
- click Save

A standard systems dialog box will be displayed asking if you wish to save and replace the existing file.
- click Yes to save over the existing file

Instead of freeing you at this point to continue working, Claris CAD displays a dialog box again asking if you would like to save changes.

It is really asking if you would like to save the file as a Claris CAD document. If you select Yes, an alert will appear stating that the file on disk has been changed while you have been working with it, and it asks if you would like to save your changes.

This alert provides three possible responses: Cancel, Replace, and Save As.There are two ways to avoid this loop:
1) Save the file with a different name or save it in a different folder than the original file.
2) After the first Save has been executed and after Claris CAD asks if you would like to save changes again, just click No. It might seem disconcerting to click No at this point if you have just made some important changes, but the changes were definitely saved the first time around.

NOTE: This problem does not occur in ClarisÊCAD 2.0.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012