MacDraw II: Autosize Lines with Decimal or Fractional Values

In MacDraw II and MacDraw Pro, you can create an autosized line that will display decimals or fraction values.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
To create an autosized line with a decimal value displayed to one decimal place:
To create an autosized line with fractional value displayed:
TIP: to create angled lines with fractional or one-decimal-place values, follow the steps above, drawing the line either horizontally or vertically to the desired length. Then use the Rotate command to rotate the line to the desired angle (with or without the Autogrid on).

Note: If an autosized line is created with fractional values displayed and the "Show Units" option in the Rulers dialog is turned off, the format will default to decimal values and will not show the fractional values.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012