MacDraw II: Changing the Default Settings

In MacDraw II 1.1 you can change any of the default settings (preferences) such as: rulers, fonts, patterns, pen sizes, etc., and save them as a MacDraw II Stationery document. From now on, each time you open MacDraw II or create a new document, all of the customized settings will be the default settings.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
The following procedure explains how this is done.

1. Select New from the File menu.
2. Change any of the default settings to those you routinely use.
- i.e. customize the menus, change the pattern palette, etc.
3. Add any graphics, such as a letterhead or logo, that routinely appear in your documents.
4. Choose Save As from the File menu.
5. Type in the filename ÒMacDraw II OptionsÓ and click Stationery.
6. Select either the System Folder, or the Claris folder within the system folder, or the folder that contains the MacDraw II application as the folder in which you want to save this file.
7. Click Save.
8. Choose quit from the File menu.

The MacDraw II version 1.1 "New Features Guide" discusses the above in detail on pages 37 to 39.

The same concept applies to other Claris Applications like MacWrite II, Claris CAD, etc.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012