MacDraw II: Saving PICT images W/ Lines

In MacDraw II, sometimes a issue results when saving lines to PICT.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
If the user saves lines with widths less than one point to PICT and there is nothing to the left or above them, the object will not be saved to PICT. Therefore it will not come back in to MacDraw II and Claris CAD .

For example, if you draw a square with 0.1 mm width lines, save that as PICT and bring it back into Draw/ClarisÊCAD , the upper line and the left line of the square, most often are gone. In ClarisÊCAD the easiest way to do this is draw a rectangle, unjoin it and save to PICT. To prevent objects from disappearing place another object up and to the left of the line.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012