MacDraw II: Tour Disks Will Not Run

On later-model Macintosh computers, including the Mac Classic, LC, IIsi, IIci, IIfx and the Portable, you cannot run the MacDraw II Tour disks by starting the computer from the Tour disk. (The instructions tell you to do this).

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
This is because recent model Macintosh computers require a version of the System that is later than the version on the Tour disks. Instead, these alternative methods will work:

1. Start the computer from the hard disk. From the Finder, insert the tour disk, then double-click on the Tour Engine file. (If you're running MultiFinder, first increase the Application memory size of the Tour Engine file to at least 960K. Do this by single-clicking on the Tour Engine icon, selecting Get Info from the File menu, then changing the application memory size to 960K or greater).

2. Alternately, you can create a self-running tour disk. Using your System Tools disks, install a minimum System configuration onto a blank formatted high-density floppy disk. Then copy all the files from the Draw II Tour disk onto this high density disk (except the System file). This will create a self-running bootable tour disk.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012