This is because recent model Macintosh computers require a version of the System that is later than the version on the Tour disks. Instead, these alternative methods will work:
1. Start the computer from the hard disk. From the Finder, insert the tour disk, then double-click on the Tour Engine file. (If you're running MultiFinder, first increase the Application memory size of the Tour Engine file to at least 960K. Do this by single-clicking on the Tour Engine icon, selecting Get Info from the File menu, then changing the application memory size to 960K or greater).
2. Alternately, you can create a self-running tour disk. Using your System Tools disks, install a minimum System configuration onto a blank formatted high-density floppy disk. Then copy all the files from the Draw II Tour disk onto this high density disk (except the System file). This will create a self-running bootable tour disk.