The issue is caused by the font or other computer platform not being compatible with the "smart quotes" feature, which automatically substitutes attractive, "curled" quotes ( ",") whenever you type the "neutral" or standard typewriter quote
For example:
The crowd liked the new "Imaginarium" display at the festival.
- becomes -
The crowd liked the new "Imaginarium" display at the festival.
There are three solutions:
1. Turn off Smart Quotes, by clicking that option in the Preferences dialog box under the Edit menu.
2. With MacWrite II, you can use a Shift-Command-Quote (instead of the standard Shift-Quote) to get a straight quote mark without deselecting the Smart Quotes option in the Preferences dialog.
3. In an existing document with curly quotes, you can use the Find/Change command in the Edit menu to replace curly quotes with regular ones:
- Turn off smart quotes
- Search for Option-[ and replace with "
- Search for Shift-Option-[ and replace with "
- Search for Option-] and replace with '
- Search for Shift-Option-] and replace with '