MacDraw II: Defective MacPlot Driver

MacDraw II 1.0v1 was shipped with a defective version of the MacPlot plotter driver. The creation date of the defective driver is June 6,1988. This driver had some key resources missing.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
The symptom of the issue is as follows: select MacPlot in the Chooser and then try to go into the MacPlot Configure program. It asks you to choose MacPlot in the Chooser. But, you've already done so. Thus, you end up in a loop.

MacPlot with a creation date of June 14,1988, will work with MacDraw II but will NOT work with MacProject II. The version dated June 23,1988, will work with both MacDraw II and MacProject II. The above drivers all shipped with MacDraw II 1.0v1.

Note: All version of MacPlot prior to 1.2 contained the Background Printing bug. This issue is documented in further detail elsewhere in this file.

To confirm whether or not the MacPlot driver is defective, single-click the MacPlot icon. Now choose Get Info from the File menu. If the creation date is June 6, 1988, it is defective and should be replaced.

MacDraw II 1.0v4 shipped with a version of MacPlot that doesn't exhibit the defect found in the original version. MacDraw II 1.0v4 is a free upgrade available to all MacDraw II customers.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012