MacDraw II: Page Setup And Print Options Grayed

Some MacDraw II users may notice that when printing to an ImageWriter II the Tall Adjusted and 50% Reductions options are grayed out in the Page Setup dialog box. Additionally, the Faster option is grayed out in the Print dialog box.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
MacDraw II 1.0v1, 1.0v2, and 1.0v3 all print at 144 dpi, which is higher than the normal resolution of the ImageWriter II (72 dpi), but at the sacrifice of the options described above.

MacDraw II 1.0v4 and 1.1 address this issue. Both print at the ImageWriter standard of 72 dpi, and are able to use the Tall Adjusted, 50% Reduction, and Faster options, though they lose the ability to print 0.5 point lines.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012