MacDraw II: Newsletter Indexes

Below is an index listing the MacDraw II information covered in the Technical Solutions newsletters dated January, 1989 through January, 1990.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
January 1989 Index:
Article: "Advancing the Standard"
This article highlights changes and improvements in MacDraw II 1.0v4. Major headings include: ImageWriter Print Options, Page Setup, Fractional Character Widths, Memory and Memory Usage, MultiFinder and a Color Monitor, Memory Requirements.

Q & A:
Constraining mouse movements: The Caps lock key is depressed.
Opening MacDraw 1.9.x files.

Precision Alignment.
Changing Pen Patterns.
The Move Feature.
Creating MacDraw II Templates.
Selecting Objects Throughout a Document.
Color Text.

"Claris Ups the Ante"
Section on what MacDraw II 1.1 will contain.

March 1989 Index:
Article: None this issue.

Q & A:
How to create color text.
MacDraw II on a 512k Mac.

Cross-Hatch effects.
Distributing objects evenly.
Quick selection.

May 1989 Index:
Article: None this issue.

Q & A:
Printing color text to an ImageWriter II.
Inconsistent kerning. Possibly multiple LaserPrep files.

Distinguish colors on a Black & White screen.

July 1989 Index:
Article: "Print it Right" Section on MacDraw II includes:

Description of fractional character widths.
Print Options: MacDraw II 1.0 Vs. 1.1

Q & A:
Draft mode on an ImageWriter.

Using scanned images.
Printing: Printing using the Slide mode.

"Claris Graphics Translator"
MacDraw II 1.1 and MacDraw are mentioned in this article.

September 1989 Index:
Article: "Plotting With Claris"
MacDraw II is mentioned in this article.

Q & A:
Using MacDraw II 1.1 with other applications; Text gets cropped on right side.
Saving preferences as Stationery; MacDraw II Options

Reactivating tools.
Entering text into graphic objects.
Toggling from a tool to the selection arrow.
Optimizing text and object alignment.

November 1989 Index:
Article: None this issue.

Q & A:
Objects pasted into other applications print slightly out of alignment.
Handles on locked objects are grayed.
Printing a single copy of a document using Command-Option-P
Symbol libraries from 3 vendors.

MacDraw II rotates objects in two different ways; Corner/Center control.
Version numbers without quitting; Option-About MacDraw II
Keyboard Equivalents for spell checker.

January 1990 Index:
Article: None this issue.

Q & A:
Reshaping polygons.

Editing notes.
Reducing scanned images before pasting into MacDraw II.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012