Beginning with FileMaker Pro 1.0v1, Claris applications will ship with an XTND filter for TIFF (Tagged-Image Format) files. Although this "standard" was set by a committee consisting of Altsys, Aldus, and other industry leaders, quite a bit of variation has been introduced into the file format. The wide variety of possible formats causes us to focus on those programs which generate the most "standard" kinds of files. Here is a preliminary, partial listing of formats we will support via XTND.
IBM PC and Mac (all files must have a "type" signature of "TIFF")
1 Bit, 2 Bit, 4 Bit, 8 Bit, 24 Bit
Studio 8
Digital Darkroom
Currently, the TIFF filter does NOT support
Compressed TIFF Files
HP ScanJet files
The design of the TIFF filter is modeled after the one used by Aldus for PageMaker and FreeHand. Thus, if your file can be opened in an Aldus product, you should be able to open it in our applications.