Claris CAD: Custom Line Types Have Disappeared

I've added custom line types to my Claris CAD 2.0 document and they no longer appear in the floating window. What has happened?

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

When you change the drawing standard that you're using in Claris CAD 2.0. (such as ANSI to DIN), Claris CAD will remove the custom lines styles from the line types menu. You should also notice that any changes that you have made to the original line types menu will be reset to the "Standard" defaults of Claris CAD 2.0.

Those standards have their own set of standard pen, arrowhead and line styles. When you tell ClarisÊCAD that you want to use those standards, it will display on the standard styles.

If you want to use the standards and have your own custom styles, select the standard before you specify the custom style that you want.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012