This problem is fixed with version 1.11 of the Rodime Cobra Utilities software
There is an issue with the Rodime Utilities software that causes Claris CAD 2.0 or MacDraw Pro to bomb with an id=03 when users access the Preferences menu. This only occurs with Rodime Cobra Series drives formatted with versions 1.03,1.09 or 1.10 of the Rodime Utilities. Rodime has acknowledged this and is working on a fix for it (the fix will probably be a new version 1.11 of the Rodime Utilities).
In the meantime there is a workaround: Launch the Rodime Utilities program and choose the correct disk drive on the SCSI bus (there will be a graphic for each drive on the SCSI bus). Click the Update button. A dialog box will appear stating that you are about to over-write the existing driver, and you will be given three options: Help, Okay and Cancel. Don't choose any of these options. Instead, type "Shift-N" and wait for the next dialog box which states that the changes will take effect after you restart. Click okay to exit out of this window, and each subsequent window. Restart the Macintosh.
The issue lies in the way Rodime Utilities is allocating memory. Apparently it conflicts with the way Claris CAD 2.0, MacDraw Pro and some other applications allocate memory. "Shift-N" apparently re-writes the driver differently and alleviates the conflict. The behavior only occurs with the Cobra Series drives. If users have further questions, have them contact Rodime at 407 994-5585.