Claris CAD: Missing Or Distorted Objects When Printing To LaserWriter

I am printing to a LaserWriter. Some of the objects in my drawing print distorted (circles print as ellipses) or are entirely missing (arcs, lines etc.). What is going on?

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

This is corrected in 2.0v3

Print Monitor and Background Printing

Some Claris CAD 2.0v1 and 2.0v2 will not print all the objects present in the document. There are specific conditions in Claris CAD that appear to be causing the difficulty.

To print correctly:

- The simplest way to avoid the issue is to insure that all floaters are closed. A floater that is open or collapsed will cause the difficulty.

- PrintMonitor can run out of memory in processing drawings, especially large drawings. To test whether this is the issue, turn off background printing in the chooser and attempt printing the drawing again. If this works, increase the memory allocated to Print Monitor.

Other Spoolers
This same phenomenon can also occur with spoolers like SuperSpool , SuperLaser Spool or TOPS spool. To test if this is the case, attempt printing without the spooler. If it works, allocate more memory to the spooler.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012