Claris Software: Incorrect Fonts Print in EPS Graphic

This article explains why your EPSF image sometimes prints the text in a font other than the one you originally intended.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

An EPSF image contains text that prints as Courier instead of the actual font.

The EPSF image uses a font that is not built-in to your printer. Some applications (like Quark XPress) scan the EPSF image before printing and automatically download (send the font from your computer to the printer) the fonts that are not resident in the printer, but Claris applications don't. They just send the Postscript code from the EPSF graphic to the printer. Thus, when the printer attempts to print the font that hasn't been downloaded, the printer will substitute Courier. FileMaker Pro 2.0v4 and later and MacDraw Pro 1.5v2 and later may help alleviate the situation.

In your drawing, type one or two characters in a text object using the same fonts used in the EPSF image. Be sure to use the exact same font, not just a font from the same font family (e.g., if the EPSF image uses Goudy Italic, use Goudy Italic in the text object, not Goudy Plain). Then, with the text object selected, choose Send to Back in the Arrange menu. To make this text object not print, place it behind the EPSF image or another object, or draw a rectangle (white fill and pen) over the text object to mask it.

When printed, the text object will be sent to the printer, causing the font to be downloaded. Then, when the EPSF image is sent to the printer, the font will already be resident in the printer. Thus, the text in the EPSF will print correctly.

This workaround sometimes fails when you have several download fonts in your document, or if the graphic is complex. The printer will receive the font information, but may discard the font if it needs the RAM to process the image. If this happens, try enabling the "Unlimited Downloadable Fonts..." option in Page Setup/Options. Alternatively, you can download the font in advance using the Font Downloader program, which is included with Adobe fonts.

Alternately, you can use the "Convert to Outline" command in Adobe Illustrator 3.0. Alter the EPSF image with the Convert to Outline command, then reimport the EPSF image into FileMaker Pro. This command will convert text elements of your illustration into graphic outlines. Once this is done, you'll have no need to worry about fonts. (The image will print faster, too.)

Exceptions (FileMaker Pro).
Although this behavior was - for the most part - fixed with FileMaker Pro 2.0v3, there are exceptions if the EPS file was saved from either QuarkXPress 3.11 or Adobe Illustrator 3.2.

Tests have been made by Claris Technical Support which confirm that an EPS graphic saved out of either QuarkXPress 3.11 or Adobe Illustrator 3.2 and then imported into a FileMaker Pro 2.1v1 layout does not download the correct fonts to the printer. Instead, any text embedded into the EPS graphic which use fonts that are not resident in the printer will print using Courier.

The solution for this is to include a text block on the layout which uses the same font of the text in the EPS. Since this new text block must be downloaded to the printer first, place it at the "back" of the layout using the "Send To Back" menu item under the "Arrange" menu. Also, as mentioned earlier, since this new text block should not actually show up on the printed page, either set its color to white using the "Text Color" menu item under the "Format" menu, or position it behind the EPS image, or mask it.

Note: tests indicate EPS graphics saved from MacDraw Pro 1.5v1 and imported into FileMaker Pro print correctly.
Text in EPSF Image Prints Using Courier

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012