MacDraw Pro: Colors are Incorrect In Imported Image

When video is set to 256 colors (8-bit) or less, the colors in an imported PICT or TIFF may appear incorrect. Imported color PICT and TIFF images may contain many colors that do not exist in the Claris Colors palette (or whatever palette you're using).

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

Set the monitor to display thousands or millions of colors, OR

1. Select the imported image.
2. Tear off the color palette.
3. From the Special menu in the color palette, select Image Colors.

The colors in the imported image will now be correct. However, colors of other objects may now be incorrect. To correct this, copy and paste all the colors of the new color palette into the Claris colors palette or whatever other palette you're using. (In the palette menus, choose Select All, then choose Copy, then choose Claris Colors, then choose Paste.) If the pasted colors appear dithered, select them, then select the Solid command from the palette's Special menu.

Explanation: MacDraw Pro is preset to use the Claris Colors palette, which is a collection of 168 predefined colors. Eleven other colors exist as colors in the Style Bar and as reserved colors, for a total of 177 colors. If your monitor is set to display 256 or fewer colors, it may not be able to display all the colors in the current palette, the Style Bar and the imported PICT/TIFF image.

If the number of colors in a single palette exceeds the number of colors that your monitor is set to display, the extra colors will be displayed as dithered patterns, simulating the extra colors. If your monitor is set to thousands or millions of colors, you can correctly display all the colors in the document without having to place all the colors in a single palette.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012