MacDraw Pro: 32-bit QuickDraw Required on SE/30

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
MacDraw Pro requires that the 32-bit QuickDraw INIT be installed in the System Folder when running on an SE/30 with System 6.0.8 or earlier. This is because the SE/30 has color ROMS. MacDraw Pro requires the 32-bit QuickDraw INIT on all machines with color ROMS, whether or not there is a color screen attached.

The 32-bit QuickDraw INIT is on the Printing Tools disk, which is one of the System Software Disks.

To install:
1 - Copy the 32-bit QuickDraw INIT from the Printing Tools disk into the System Folder on your hard disk.
2- Restart the computer.

The 32-bit QuickDraw INIT contains programming code which fixes issues with some code in the ROMS related to color. MacDraw Pro uses this code in 32-bit QuickDraw to operate reliably on color Macintosh computers.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012