MacDraw Pro: "Out of Memory" When Opening MacDraw II Documents

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
A document created in MacDraw II may not open in MacDraw Pro on the same computer. This is because there is less memory available for documents when running MacDraw Pro. (Normally, this would only happen under extreme circumstances, such as reducing the RAM allocation for MacDraw Pro to 1000K, then trying to import a MacDraw II document).

The XTND engine and the MacDraw II filter also have to be loaded into RAM to function. This, combined with the increased memory usage of MacDraw Pro (vs. MacDraw II), means that you'll have less memory available for opening MacDraw II documents.

There are a few steps to allow more memory for MacDraw Pro to work with converted MacDraw II documents:

1. Turning off the RAM cache and removing INITs, then restarting the computer.
2. Increasing the MultiFinder memory allocation for MacDraw Pro (or restarting the computer under single Finder).

This will give you the maximum possible memory size for opening documents.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012