MacDraw Pro: "Sorry cannot cut or copy current selection to the clipboard."

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
"Sorry cannot cut or copy current selection to the clipboard."

This message means that there isn't enough unused memory available to hold these objects in the clipboard.

The following operations may make more memory available, thus allowing you to successfully perform the cut/copy.

1. Close another MacDraw Pro document that's currently open.
2. Shrink the size of the drawing window.
3. Select fewer colors in the Monitors cdev in the Control Panel.
4. If you're cutting/copying immediately after deleting another object, try moving the object, then retry the cut/copy operation.
5. If running MultiFinder, allocate more memory to MacDraw Pro.

(Please refer to your MacDraw Pro documentation for information on increasing the Application Memory Size.)
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012