MacDraw II: Tips and Shortcuts-(cont.)

Tips and Shortcuts for MacDraw II version 1.1

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

6. To save memory when using many copies of a scanned image (like a logo in a presentation), use the Duplicate command instead of the copy and paste. When you duplicate a bit-mapped object and donÕt change it, MacDraw II will save memory be only keeping a single copy and displaying it multiple times.

7. To quickly change the pen pattern, use the option key while clicking on the pattern palette. The new pen pattern will be displayed to the right of the pattern palette.

8. You can select all objects of a particular type by first selecting the corresponding tool from the tool palette, then choose Select All from the Edit menu. For example, you can select the Text tool followed by Select All. Now, any change you make will affect all text objects.

9. To see a smoothed curve while editing smoothed polygons, hold down the command key. MacDraw II will display the curve exactly as it will appear when you release the mouse button.

10. Use command + spacebar to activate the last tool you used.

11. To enter text into a graphic object, draw the object and begin typing text. For example, draw a rectangle and with the rectangle selected, begin typing text. The text will stay in the boundaries of the rectangle. If you want to enter text into a rectangle that you previously created, Option-Click on a rectangle and begin typing. The text will stay within the boundaries of the rectangle.

12. Use the <Enter> key to toggle from a tool back to the selection arrow.

13. To create a new slide, press command-shift-N.

14. To open a New MacDraw II document with all the default settings, hold down the Option key when you select New. This is only necessary if you have created a MacDraw II Options file.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012