MacDraw Pro: Creating Angled Lines of Exact Fractional Lengths

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
When drawing objects, you can make MacDraw Pro show the dimensions in the Show Size bar in exact units without decimal values.

4'-8 1/2" (4 feet, 8 1/2 inches)
12p6 (12 picas, 6 points)

You do this by setting the appropriate ruler settings. For example, to display in feet and inches, in Rulers, set the ruler for Scaled Size to "Feet" increments, then set the divisions per inch to 12 (or 24, or some other multiple of 12). When you draw an object, the Show Size bar will display in feet and inches (and fractions) instead of decimal amounts. You must also have the Autogrid ON when drawing for this to occur.

Drawing angled lines, however, will usually result in the line length being displayed as a decimal. This is because the distance between grid points is usually not an even amount for angled lines.

If you need an angled line of an exact unit or fractional length, draw the line horizontally or vertically, then rotate the line to the desired angle using the Rotate command.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012