MacDraw Pro: Duplicated Objects At Odd Zoom Levels Appear Different

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Object duplicated at a zoom level may appear to be different in size.

This is due to rounding error that can occur at certain odd zoom levels. The objects are, in fact, the same size.

The following steps will illustrate:

1. Set the pen width to 0.01 point.
2. At 100% zoom, draw a square about 1/2 inch wide.
3. Duplicate the square and drag it to the right.
4. Zoom to 351%.
5. Duplicate the first square again and place the duplicate over the second square.

Although both squares are 1/2 inch wide, one will appear to be a pixel larger than the other.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012