MacDraw Pro: Slide Show Showing With Reduced Objects

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
When viewing a slide show, MacDraw Pro will shrink the entire drawing size to fit the screen. Thus, if the drawing size is larger than the screen, the objects will be reduced along with the drawing to fit the screen. Bitmapped objects that are reduced may appear distorted on screen.

To create a slide show that doesn't display the slides reduced, set your drawing size to the following sizes:

Apple Color 13" RGB (or any monitor with 640 x 480 resolution):
8.89 inches wide x 6.67 inches high

You can set your drawing to this size by typing these dimensions into the Drawing Size dialog box. If you've already created objects that are beyond these dimensions, you will have to move them to within these dimensions before you can reduce the drawing size.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012